The department dedicated to herbal extraction is considered the heart of the business. Here the active ingredients of spices and aromatic herbs are extracted.
The spices, once ground to a standard size, are transferred to the extractor together with a solvent where they soak for a predetermined period of time before being separated through pressing, centrifugation or distillation.
Herbal Extraction
G. Mariani & C. has established a production department for extracts and infusions through the application of ultrasound technology;
an innovative technique that allows maximum recovery of aromatic ingredients alongside optimised processing times.
G. Mariani & C. has researched, created and standardised a tea leaf extraction process that is refined and structured according to the properties and nature of the original plant matrix.
The initial phase of extraction with water is followed by the addition of ethanol and a selective treatment, through which the “crude” tea extract is freed of substances that might compromise its stability and finished appearance. Obtaining the finished tea extract in this way guarantees the production of beverages that are perfectly clear and stable over time, where the aromatic notes of the tea leaves are combined together with a pleasant and characteristic amber colour.
With natural raw ingredients, such as concentrated fruit juice, we produce semi-processed flavouring products that are suitable for the various needs of the food industry.
This department has homogenisers, pasteurisers and emulsifying machines at its disposal.
Laboratory testing and production are inextricably linked and allow for the creation of both traditional and new products. Specific equipment is used to obtain various types of flavourings, emulsions, liquid and spray dried flavourings.
Extensive and rigorous experimentation results in emulsions that are effective and stable over time. These products are used in beverages to impart cloudiness, flavour and colour.
Within the state-of-the-art laboratories, raw ingredients, semi-processed products and finished products are checked - not only by traditional methods of analysis and but also with techniques that have been perfected and implemented for the specific needs of our business.
Alongside their quality control activities, the company’s in-house laboratories conduct research and development where the dynamic cooperation between flavouring technicians and marketing experts is able to anticipate market trends and respond to them in the interests of our customer base.
Much effort is dedicated to preparing samples, with over 5,000 being sent to customers every year. The verification of the sample is often accompanied by an evaluation of its use within the final product so as to provide the flavour that best meets the customer’s needs, including all of the information necessary for its best use.
G. Mariani & C. devotes special attention to the storage and preservation of raw ingredients, finished products and packaging.
The availability of 3,000 square metres of warehouses, cold stores at various temperatures, rational differentiation of the spaces, and unique identification of products stored together with FIFO management ensure access to a product that is correctly stored and easily traceable at all times.
The creation of liqueurs, whether cream based or concentrated liqueur flavourings, allows G. Mariani & C. to offer a high level of versatility through its production departments.
The creation of cream based liqueurs allows G. Mariani & C. to offer its customers valuable technological support and to reaffirm the high level of versatility of its production departments.
Flavoured with traditional flavours, innovative flavours or provided as an unfinished product to which the customer makes the final changes, creams are stable over time, although their composition is extremely delicate.